Friday, 6 July 2012

What is the difference between XML Web Services using ASMX and .NET Remoting using SOAP?

  • There was a time where Web Services were all the rage, but lately questions surrounding XML based web services should raise red flags for developers around the type of environment they are interviewing for since REST has become so pervasive.
  • However it does show whether a developer has an understanding of how distributed software development has evolved from remoting days to current communication standards. A lack of understanding may show ignorance or a lack of experience
  • A better approach may be to ask about different communications protocols and how SOA has evolved to Mircoservices and why REST has become so popular etc...

Potential Answer:
Xml Web Services uses standard web based protocols allowing for interoperability between disparate systems whilst .NET remoting enables messaging across application boundaires using TCP/IP or HTTP but makes no effort to deal with interoperatibility meaning that both client and server must expose and understand the communication interface or object reference.

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